Crate training a cat is the one of the key pillars of cat health.
A car trip with a cat doesn’t need to be awful: crate training your cat means that travel with your cat in the kitty carrier will be a stress free experience both both of you.
When you take a crate trained cat to the veterinarian for wellness visits on in case of an emergency, you get accurate lab work that reflects your cat’s health status, and blood values your cat vet can use correctly diagnose eventual problem.
0:00 Intro
00:20 Travel
01:13 Study on the effect of hiding on stress (cortisol) levels in cats
01:39 Vet visits
02:26 Physiologic Leukocytosis
04:45 Study on blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate in cats
06:02 Study on relationship between a cat struggling and its blood glucose levels (aka Hyperglycemia)
08:35 Longer stays/overnighting at the vet’s
#cratetraining #cathealth #cratetrainyourcat #micolandotheranimals