Nail-biting 0:40
Pawing at water 1:26
Getting into small spaces 2:05
Putting its paws in your face 2:56
Hissing 3:47
Ignoring you 4:33
Chewing plants 4:59
Lying in the litter box 5:42
Begging for food and then ignoring it 6:19
Following you to the bathroom 7:15
Sitting on your clothes 8:03
#catbehaviour #cats #kitties
Music by Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com/
– If your cat always bites its nails when grooming itself, you probably have nothing to worry about, since this is basically the feline version of a manicure!
– To their kitty logic, if the water in the bowl moves, then it’s probably alright. That’s why cats are so captivated by tap and toilet water.
– Most cats prefer to sleep in small cozy spaces where it’s difficult to get to them. Things like boxes or sinks make them feel safe and secure.
– If your cat touches your face slightly, it’s simply showing love. Tapping their paws on your face means “Hey I did something, you better clean it up” or “Get up and feed me, please!”
– Even the sweetest little kitten in the world can hiss from time to time, and it’s a clear sign that they’re either frightened or ticked off.
– If your cat ignores you, just let it be. Your pet will definitely appreciate the respect and will love you even more!
– Chewing on plants could be caused by several things. First of all, a lot of cats do it when their tummy is upset or they just wanna eat something with a different texture. Other cats are simply curious or trying to get your attention.
– If your cat has suddenly started hanging out in its litter, it can be a sign of sickness. When accompanied with other red flags like loss of appetite, then this behavior definitely warrants a call to the vet.
– A lot of the time, begging becomes such a routine for cats that they start doing it even when they’re not hungry. Another possible reason is your kitty’s desire for attention and love.
– When you leave the room, they feel vulnerable to predators, so they decide to follow you. And believe it or not, a lot of the time the bathroom is the place where they feel the safest!
– If your cat always sits on your clothes whenever you leave them, you should be kinda flattered because this is how they mark you as a member of their pack!
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