
5 Kittens Longing for Their Mom, Become Completely Enamored with a Cat-loving Dog

Five kittens who were longing for their mom, became completely enamored with a sweet cat-loving dog.

lap kittens snuggles

Five kittens share a lap together@shibuyarollcall

Last month, a litter of five kittens were brought in to the Animal Welfare League of Arlington (AWLA in Virginia) without a mom. They were in need of a foster home, so Asa, a volunteer of the rescue, welcomed them into her care.

Right from the get-go, the kittens were adventurous and curious about their new surroundings. The furry crew immediately checked out their kitty room and started running around the place like they owned it.

One after another, they crawled onto Asa’s lap, and some climbed into her arms or onto her shoulder. All five of them collectively decided that they would nap on their foster mom instead of their own beds.

foster kittens

They came to their foster home and were eager for love@shibuyarollcall

“They have been super friendly and cuddly since day one,” Asa shared with Love Meow.

“The two boys (Joe and Mr.Bean) curl up in my lap every chance they get while the three girls (Miss Tash, Cappuccino, and Inés) prefer to use me as a cat tree.”

lap kittens

Joe and Mr.Bean the lap kittens@shibuyarollcall

Their 8-year-old resident dog, Kona, caught wind of the new arrivals and was over the moon. She adores every foster that her mom brings home, and has helped care for many kittens in need.

She had to wait for a couple of weeks until the kittens were medically clear and ready for a meet-and-greet. “She realized the moment we brought the kittens home and was eagerly and anxiously waiting, watching them from outside their pen with non-stop tail wags.”

Kona is a cat-loving canine@shibuyarollcall

It was clear from the start that the five were missing their mom. They were all over Asa for attention and snuggles before meeting Kona.

When it was time to introduce them to the rest of the house, Kona was more than ready and went right into the kitten pen when she was given access, as if she were being reunited with her own babies.

kitten and dog

Mr.Bean went up to his canine friend and started playing with her ear@shibuyarollcall

“She was beyond excited. Her tail wouldn’t stop wagging and she went up to each and every one of them to give them kisses,” Asa told Love Meow.

Watch the kittens and their canine momma in this cute video:

Kittens and their canine momma

“The kittens took no time to acclimate to her either. They immediately started climbing on top of her, playing with her ears and legs, cuddling up next to her to take a nap.”

The little ones switched on their purr motors and surrounded their new mama, soaking up the love.

kittens and dog mom

The kittens are smitten with their new momma@shibuyarollcall

“She’s always been amazing with kittens and it’s no different with this bunch. She’s been counting down the days until she could officially meet them, and now that she has, she just wants to hang out with them all the time and refuses to leave the pen.”

dog loving on kitten

Kona gives little Cappuccino some TLC@shibuyarollcall

“They are all pretty enamored with Kona but if I were to pick, I’d say Mr.Bean (the ginger kitten) is most in love with her.”

Mr.Bean enjoys wrapping his arms around his canine momma and purrs himself to sleep.

kittens and dog

Cuddles and more cuddles@shibuyarollcall

The kittens are so happy and content now that they have a surrogate mom who showers them with licks and all the snuggles they desire.

kittens and dog mom


Share this story with your friends. Follow updates on the kittens and more on Instagram @shibuyarollcall.

Related story: Cats Who Raised 8 Kittens Together, Wait at Glass Door at Shelter Every Day

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