Dirk loves fishing rod-style toys. Visitors are always surprised how fast he runs when they see him chasing these toys 🙂
Up until now feather toys were his favorites, but there’s competition: RompiCatz (Formerly known as Neko Flies) insects. Dirk has a Cagonfly but there’s a whole series! I’m sure he’d love all of them and swapping attachments is a great idea to keep your cat interested for longer. Definitely worth checking out a few of the others (though the spider is not for me…)
I was initially a bit worried Dirk might not like this new toy. It is fairly small – though bigger than an actual insect 😉 – and doesn’t make much noise when you let it fly. Admittedly, our cats might pick up on a sound it makes that we humans can’t hear.
I needn’t have worried. Like most cats, Dirk loves chasing real flies or ladybugs (as well as digital ones on a tablet…).
Obviously, when you move the Cagonfly the air moves, and Dirk’s whiskers were alerted immediately!

The Cagonfly is delicate but well-made. Dirk pounces it, bites it, drags it across the room and it still isn’t broken.
One of the things I love doing is incorporating Dirk’s climbing towers when we play with this toy. Fishing rod-style / flying toys are perfect for this! Dirk runs after it, jumps up for it, and now also climbs up to reach it. It’s fun for both of us 🙂

What better way to finish an insect hunting session than chilling with it in your hammock?

The full collection is now available in various insect types in the Katzenworld Shop!
The full range of Necoichi raised bowls and accessory now available @ Katzenworld Shop
This is me with my lovely cat Dirk! Let me tell you something about both of us.
I work as a cat sitter and cat behaviourist for CitiKiti in London and am basically surrounded by cats 24/7!
Dirk is roughly 11 years old (I say roughly because he is a rescue cat). Dirk is truly the most loving and lovable cat I know. He is very interested in people and loves being cuddled a lot. Dirk spends most of his time relaxing with me or anywhere around the house really. He is also quite playful and loves the games that involve interaction the most.