Cat Care

9 Signs You Take Care of Your Pet Wrong But It Can’t Complain

Why are so many of our pets overweight? According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, 60% of cats and 56% of dogs in the US are obese or overweight. Of course, no pet owner would purposely make such grave mistakes when it comes to feeding their furry friend. Nonetheless, there are several things you should avoid so that your pet will be happy and healthy!

Do you know, for example, that you should never give your pet human food? A lot of the products we humans eat contain too much salt, sugar, artificial colorants and sweeteners, and fat. All these additives are extremely harmful to pets.

Feeding your pet from a plastic bowl 0:49
Giving your pet human food 1:46
Giving your pet too many treats 2:47
Not considering your pet’s lifestyle and age when feeding it 3:40
Free-feeding your pet 4:27
Interchanging your pets’ food 5:27
Giving bones to your pet 6:19
Giving your cat too much tuna or raw fish 7:08
Giving milk to your pet 8:05

#pethealth #catobesity #dogobesity

Music by Epidemic Sound

– While plastic bowls are inexpensive and convenient, they’re not the best for your pet’s health. Both cats and dogs can develop different allergic reactions to plastic. On top of that, some dogs like to chew on their bowl, which means they risk ingesting pieces of plastic.
– Dogs can develop serious health issues if you let them have avocados, garlic, raisins, chocolate, mushrooms, peaches, or grapes. Most of these products are just as toxic for cats too.
– If your cat or dog gets treats too often, they’ll lose their appetite for their everyday nutritious meals. This can result in pet obesity.
– Just like people, dogs and cats should be fed according to their age and lifestyle. Younger animals need to eat more often than older ones since they need more nutrients for proper growth.
– Dogs especially can’t control how much they eat when they see food. Their instincts will scream at them to gobble up everything they find on their plate. This problem is less prominent in felines.
– Surprisingly, there are those who feed dog food to their cats and vice versa. Interchanging pet foods will lead to serious health complications.
– Pets, especially dogs, love bones. At the same time, this doesn’t mean that you should feed bones to them. It doesn’t matter if these bones are from pork, poultry, fish, or beef.
– Tuna can be used as a treat every now and then. But if you turn it into your cat’s everyday diet, this will cause malnutrition. What’s worse, a tuna diet may lead to mercury poisoning.
– Believe it or not, neither cats nor dogs should be given milk. If, for whatever reason, you have to bottle-feed a newborn pet, you should buy a special formula for puppies and kitties. Cow milk isn’t a good substitute for their mom’s milk.

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