
Cat Monthly, Weekly and Daily Holidays

We celebrate our cats every day and in every way, but these cat national holidays can make things a little more special. Don’t see a cat holiday here? Email us at, and we’ll add it to the list!

©krblokhin/Getty Images

JANUARY Cat Holidays

January 2: National Pet Travel Safety Day

January 22: National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day

Cat in heart hands.
©Getty Images

FEBRUARY Cat Holidays

National Pet Dental Health Month

National Cat Health Month

Responsible Pet Owners Month

Spay/Neuter Awareness Month

February 14: Pet Theft Awareness Day

February 20: Love Your Pet Day

February 22: World Spay Day

@Annie Butler Shirreffs

MARCH Cat Holidays

National Pet Poison Prevention Awareness Month

March 3: If Pets Had Thumbs Day

March 6-12: Professional Pet Sitters Week

March 20-26: National Poison Prevention Week

March 23: Cuddly Kitten Day

March 28: Respect Your Cat Day

A cat with an Easter basket.
©Susan Schmitz/Shutterstock

APRIL Cat Holidays

Pet First Aid Awareness Month

Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month

April 11: National Pet Day

April 24: National Pet Parents Day

April 29: Hairball Awareness Day

April 30: National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day

April 30: National Therapy Animal Day

April 30: World Veterinary Day


MAY Cat Holidays

National Pet Month

Chip Your Pet Month

May 1-7: National Pet Week

May 1-7: Be Kind to Animals Week

May 3: National Specially-Abled Pets Day

May 14: National Animal Disaster Preparedness Day

Cat-with-sunglasses. Photography by: ©Sonsedska | Getty Images
©Sonsedska/Getty Images

JUNE Cat Holidays

National Pet Preparedness Month

National Adopt-A-Cat Month

National Adopt a Shelter Cat Month

National Pet Foster Care Month

National Microchipping Month

June 4: Hug Your Cat Day

June 5-11: Pet Appreciation Week

June 14: World Pet Memorial Day

June 20: Take Your Cat To Work Day

June 24: Cat World Domination Day

JULY Cat Holidays

Lost Pet Prevention Month

July 10: National Kitten Day

July 15: National Pet Fire Safety Day

July 21: National Craft for Your Local Shelters Day

A cat on a summery beach chair.
©IvonneW/Getty Images

AUGUST Cat Holidays

August 8: International Cat Day

August 15: National Check the Chip Day

August 17: National Black Cat Appreciation Day

August 20: International Homeless Animals Day

August 22: National Take Your Cat to the Vet Day

August 28: Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day

August 30: National Holistic Pet Day

A cat reading a book.

SEPTEMBER Cat Holidays

September 1: Ginger Cat Appreciation Day

September 19-25: Adopt-A-Less-Adoptable-Pet Week

September 28: World Rabies Day


OCTOBER Cat Holidays

National Pet Wellness Month

October 12: National Pet Obesity Awareness Day

October 16: Global Cat Day

October 29: National Cat Day

A black cat with Thanksgiving decorations.

NOVEMBER Cat Holidays

Adopt a Senior Pet Month

National Senior Pet Month

National Pet Cancer Awareness Month

National Pet Diabetes Month

November 1: National Cook for Your Pets Day

November 6-12: National Animal Shelter and Rescue Appreciation Week

A cat playing with a Christmas tree ornament.

DECEMBER Cat Holidays

National Cat Lover’s Month

December 15: Cat Herder’s Day

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