
Cat So Happy to Have a Couch to Sleep On After Living Under Staircase for Years

A cat is so happy to have a couch to sleep on after roaming the streets and living under a staircase for years.

teddy bear cat

Ferdinand Bullion the catChatons Orphelins Montréal

A stray tabby cat had been wandering the streets of Montreal, braving many harsh Canadian winters over the years.

A gentleman noticed the elusive feline and began feeding him every day. He set up a makeshift cabin for the cat under the staircase, where the cat claimed as home for quite some time.

Karoline, a concerned citizen, spotted the cat lying on the ground next to the staircase in distress. As she approached him, he ran off out of fear.

stray cat

He spent years roaming the streets of MontrealChatons Orphelins Montréal

“She discovered his corner under the stairs. There were lots of flies and it had a strong odor,” Celine Crom of Chatons Orphelins Montréal shared with Love Meow.

“A resident explained that he had lived outside for several years, and slept under the stairs. He didn’t let people approach him nor did he trust anyone.”

stray cat home

He stayed in a makeshift home under a staircaseChatons Orphelins Montréal

Karoline got in touch with a TNR (trap-neuter-return) rescuer, Nadia, for assistance to save the cat. “Nadia arrived and noticed he was in rough shape and needed immediate medical attention. His ears had scars from frostbite and he walked with his head down,” Celine told Love Meow.

“Knowing that he needed to be removed from the poor living conditions, Nadia stayed for more than 12 hours to get him to safety.”

elusive cat

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

With a lot of effort and the help of the gentleman who fed the cat, they got the tabby, and off they went to Chatons Orphelins Montréal. “We named him Ferdinand Bullion. He was very scared at first with all the changes around him.”

“Bullion was estimated to be eight years old. He was just skin and bones, tested positive for FIV (feline immunodeficiency virus), and had a severely infected mouth and a host of other health issues,” Celine added.

He was finally rescued and brought to safetyChatons Orphelins Montréal

After having dental surgery to extract all his teeth and shaving off his matted fur, Bullion was free of pain and could finally relax and get some much-needed shut-eye. He was also treated for thyroid and stomach issues for about a month.

“Ferdi Bullion received the best care and began to gain weight. His beautiful fur started to grow back in and he was ready to learn to socialize.”

rescued cat

He had all his bad teeth extracted and matted fur removedChatons Orphelins Montréal

Alvin and Morgane, foster volunteers of the rescue, took him into their home and spent ample time with him each day, gaining his trust and showing him that they meant good.

With plenty of treats and an enormous amount of patience, Bullion went from hiding in the corner to nestling on his foster carer’s lap to being held in their arms.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

“When he came to us, he was withdrawn with a sad, empty gaze. Outside, he trusted no one in order to survive. We had to show him that everything was going to be okay,” Celine shared with Love Meow.

“With weeks of hard work from his foster family, he became calmer and started to relax. He even befriended other foster cats and slowly came out of his shell.”

Bullion loves cat treatsChatons Orphelins Montréal

Bullion has made incredible progress and gained confidence over the past few months.

“He loves sleeping on the couch and snuggling in a soft blanket. Playing is still new to him, but from time to time, he likes to have fun with toys.”

cat blanket

He loves snuggling under a blanket Chatons Orphelins Montréal

Now, he walks with his head and tail held high, shares the couch with his feline friends and enjoys relaxing by the window without a worry in the world.

After years of roaming the streets, Bullion is safe, healthy, and living the VIP life that he always wanted.

couch cats

He enjoys sharing the couch with his feline friendsChatons Orphelins Montréal

“Ferdinand Bullion has lived through the worst and deserves the best now. He is looking for a loving family that has a comfortable couch for him and will cherish him forever.”

former stray cat

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

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Related story: Cats Who Raised 8 Kittens Together, Wait at Glass Door at Shelter Every Day

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