Month: February 2022

(Picture Credit: ajr_images/Getty Images) In the United Kingdom, part-wild hybrid cats could be banned as domestic pets. An Instagram trend lit the fuse of concern regarding these beautiful, photogenic felines. With animal welfare in question and the negativity surrounding a “wildlife black market,” legislators may take action. Here’s what you should know about these cats
As my cat moves, er, “gracefully” into her senior years, I’ve been a bit worried about her sedentary lifestyle. I decided to broach the subject of exercise. Hey Stella, it’s time we talk about exercise, you being a senior cat and all.   Wait, I’m a senior cat? Yeah. Huh. And I’m how old again? You’re
●Tsumu 2019.09.17 / ♀ / Scottish fold / blue tabby ●Maro 2020.10.03 / ♂ / British shorthair / blue ●Mugi 2020.10.03 / ♂ / Scottish fold / brown #cat #kitten #cute #猫 #子猫 #かわいい #Gatto #Gattino #Carino #Kucing #Kucing #Lucu #Kat #Kitten # #Gato #Gatito #Lindo #แมว #ลูกแมว #น่ารัก #Katze #Kätzchen #Süß #Kedi #Kedi #Sevimli
Funniest Cat Videos on the Planet #5 – Funny Cats and Dogs Videos ???? Subscribe: ► ???????????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????? videos: ○ Funny Baby : LIFE FUNNY PETS brings you funny cat and dog videos but also the funniest videos from the wild! Everyone is an animal lover, so why not stay, relax and
—– *Follow us on* —– ????Channel Insta id : ????Admins : Akhil Raj R : : HariKrishnan G : ???? Facebook Page: ???? Facebook Group: ????Business Enquiries : —– *Disclaimer* —– No animals were harmed during the making of this video. This video doesn’t contain any illegal matter.This is
Pets and neutering: keeping your four-legged friend safe Today (Tuesday 23 February) marks World Spay Day, an international event to raise awareness of the importance of neutering our pets. Neutering is an operation performed by a vet to remove the reproductive organs – for females this is referred to as spaying and involves removing the ovaries
Have fun singing along to this traditional nursery rhyme about three little kittens and their lost mittens! Subscribe for new videos every week: Welcome to CocoMelon’s animal corner- Join Baby JJ and his animal friends on their adventures and fun! Kids can learn all about their favourite animals, including dogs, cats, monkeys, pigs and
Funniest Cat Videos on the Planet #3 – Funny Cats and Dogs Videos ???? Subscribe: ► ???????????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????? videos: ○ Funny Baby : LIFE FUNNY PETS brings you funny cat and dog videos but also the funniest videos from the wild! Everyone is an animal lover, so why not stay, relax and
Many of you can relate – perhaps you adopted during the pandemic and are working from home and you can’t get your work done because your young cat is targeting your hands, computer, feet, and cords! But whether your hyperactive cat is a kitten or otherwise, in today’s video I lay out some helpful tips
Once you know what you to look for, you can act early to get it treated Subscribe for more videos! ►► Catit Fountain ►► DIY Videos! ► We all love our kitties! Part of cats being cats is going out on adventures and living their life- and as part of that, they
Cats do the strangest things… Whether you live with cats, or don’t even get them, I’m sure there has been a time when you’ve seen a cat do something and thought, “I just don’t get it.” Well, that’s why I’m here! Join me on a video tour of some cat head-scratchers and I’ll give you
Do you remember your high school physical education classes? Some of us probably have fonder memories than others, depending on our love of volleyball, square dancing and ability to bring a “please excuse” note from home. Most cats’ days are a steady cycle of eating, sleeping, grooming and physical activity. Oh, and judging us —